Block of the Month

Every month a new Block of the Month is featured at our meeting. Any interested member can make the block or multiples of the block. Please put your name into the drawing when you turn in your block. It’s a great way to try out different blocks and who knows? Maybe you will win!!

August 2024

thumbnail of BOM_082024_bowtie

2024 Block of the Month

April thumbnail of Heart-Blocks-Pattern




thumbnail of BOM_7_2024 Millenium Star

2022 BOMs

Jan/Feb 2022

thumbnail of PQG BOM February 2022 Duck






thumbnail of PQG June BOM Lozenges

Julythumbnail of PQG July BOM 2022 Popcicles

2021 BOMs

January 2021  “Let’s Throw a Snowball at 2020”

thumbnail of PQG Jan 2021 Block of the Month Snowballs

February 2021 Shoo Fly with a Twist

thumbnail of PDF shoo fly

March 2021 Bunnies!

thumbnail of PQG MARCH BOM BUNNIES (1)

April 2021 Umbrellas!

thumbnail of PQG June 2021 BOM – Spa Day

May 2021 Flower Press

thumbnail of PQG MAY BOM Picture Frame

June 2021 Spa Day

thumbnail of PQG June 2021 BOM – Spa Day

July 2021 – Whirling Geese

thumbnail of PQG July BOM Geese

August 2021

September 2021

October 2021

thumbnail of PQG Oct BOM Pumpkin

November 2021

thumbnail of Snowflake 12

December 2021

thumbnail of PQG DEC BOM

2020 BOM Archives

August 2020

thumbnail of PQG Disappearing Hr Glass

October 2020 –

Redwood Tree Block

thumbnail of MQSCArmstrong Woods BOM (1)

Redwood Tree Block

November 2020

Floating Boxes

thumbnail of PQG Floating Boxes Oct 2020 BOM

December 2020

Winter Beanies

thumbnail of PQG Nov 2020 Winter Beanies BOM

get_adobe_reader-150x39  You will need Adobe reader to view Block of the Month. If you don’t already have it installed you can download it for free.